Mare meva... quin musical!

Mare meva... quin musical!

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Mare meva... quin musical!

Mare meva... quin musical!

Espai 36. Carrer Major, 36. See map



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Taquilla inversa

0,00 €

Final price, management fees included.

Total 0,00 €


Escola Art Dramàtic Ivan Martín

Autor i director: Ivan Martín

Coreografies: Cati Duran

Musical basat en les cançons de Mamma Mia al qual un grup d'adolescents desperta dins un teatre del qual no poden sortir fins que passin una prova que posarà de manifest els seus conflictes.

A la sala Principal

Taquilla inversa

The promoter has not specified underage access policy, if you have any question please contact directly with the promoter.

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Espai36, Centre Cultural

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