American Girl Dolls

American Girl Dolls

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American Girl Dolls

American Girl Dolls

The Comedy Clubhouse (Pub Limerick). Carrer de Bruc, 55, 08009. Barcelona. Mapa ikusi

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Meet Hannah Becker and Marnie Manning, the newest (unofficial) American Girl Dolls (please don't sue us). These two crass and brash girls have certainly had some zany adventures in Barcelona! Whether it's dealing with creeps at a discoteca, having religious experiences at nudist beaches, or navigating intercultural romances, Hannah and Marnie can do it all—and tell some great jokes about it! After a few years on the scene, Hannah and Marnie are finally ready to be the stars of their own show. Will their night be ruined by hecklers? Or worse, will no one show up? Find out in the first book of their series... I mean, the premiere of American Girl Dolls!

American Girl Dolls is a stand up comedy hour with Hannah Becker and Marnie Manning.

Monday, October 25


Comedy Clubhouse (Bruc 55)

Language: English

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John Allis

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